A different approach
Our first game, Kerak, isn’t like anything you’ve played before. It’s a thoroughbred hybrid, a strategy game that’s both truly fun and totally fair.
Some games get boring: they always start like they end, the same. With Kerak, no two games start alike, so each game is different and interesting, exciting, and at the end of the day, really fun.
But we didn’t stop there. We wanted to make sure Kerak was also competitive. That’s why there’s no luck involved: what you see is what you get, so it’s just your strategy that decides who wins. Kerak is totally and completely fair.
Kerak also has unmatched strategic depth. In most games, pieces act as individuals. In chess, a pawn can capture a knight, even if a rook’s right next door. This doesn't make a whole lot of sense, and it limits the game to one dimension.
In Kerak, pieces support one another, just like on a real battlefield. For example, an infantry surrounded by knights is stronger than one who's all alone. Not only does this just make sense, but it gives Kerak an entirely new strategic element.
We’re all about creating new classics, we hope you enjoy playing them.