Kickstarter Fans
Kerak - a different kind of strategy board game
Imagine a strategy game that’s perfectly fair, no dice, no luck……that’s always unique. A board game that has no stale strategies, no memorized moves……that’s fast-paced, creative, fun… as you play your strategies create the game… not the other way around.
Our thinking.
We crave competition, we chase chance it, we love to lose ourselves in our limits. This is why we play strategy games, they connect us to our family and friends, they’re exhilarating, and they keep us sharp.

But they have their problems too. None of us likes to lose because the dice were unkind, and we don’t want to memorize a dozen opening moves to play a casual game with a friend. Most importantly, we’re creative, and we don’t like playing the same game over and over again. It’s just boring. That’s why we created Kerak.
Strategy Redefined
We love strategy games, but they've got a big problem: they get boring. For example, every game of chess starts with the same old pieces in the same old places. This means that people who've played a lot know the best opening moves, and they're going to win. Unless you know it inside out, chess gets really repetitive, really fast.
To fix this, game designers usually add chance into the mix: they add dice or randomize starting locations. This makes the game fun because every game is different. The only problem is that "fun" comes at the cost of "fair": because of the randomness, the game can never be truly fair, it's not purely strategic. Why can't we have both?
We can, it's Kerak.
Kerak solves problem one without causing problem two.
Players place their pieces one at a time, in any sequence or configuration they like. Also, the odd number of certain pieces, and the board's shape, ensure that the game setup will be asymmetrical, meaning you can't just "mirror" your opponent. In a nutshell, every game is unique.
Also, there's no randomness: what you see is what you get. This means that every game of Kerak is 100% fair: it's a true, pure, thoroughbred strategy game in the tradition of chess or go.
Kerak also has unprecedented strategic depth. In most games, pieces act as individuals. In chess, a pawn can capture a knight, even if the knight has a castle right next door. This doesn't make a whole lot of sense: if two heads are better than one, so should two pawns.
In Kerak, pieces support one another, just like on a real battlefield. For example, an infantry surrounded by knights is stronger than one who's all alone, out in the open. Not only does this make intuitive sense, but it means Kerak has an entirely new strategic dimension to play with.
Kerak is unlike any other strategy game. We love playing it, and we think you will too. Come play with us.
Getting the game to the fans
We decided to start small and build Kerak with help from our fans and supporters by launching it on Kickstarter.
We think this is the best way to keep in touch with the gaming community, to prove we're listening, and show that we're dedicated to building a competitive Kerak community: without you, there's no game. This gives you power, and us accountability.
We can't wait to get Kerak built and shipped, but first we need to raise the money. Donate today, or buy a copy! The sooner this is done, the sooner we can get to the good stuff.
The game plan
raise money